


Responding to market demands and current trends, Miśkowicz Pach and Partners Law Firm constantly develops its specialization in rendering services dedicated to GAMEDEV businesses and the computer games market.

The services rendered by the Law Firm in that regards encompasses not only services for entrepreneurs that deal with creation, development, publishing and distribution of video games, but also support and consulting services in investments in this market.

Our offer encompasses:

    • Preparation, edition and analysis of contracts concerning computer games – publishing agreements, distribution agreement, licenses, sale of IP rights to video games; promotional agreements;
    • Audits regarding IP rights and consulting services aimed at improvement of protection of IP rights;
    • Support in relation to employment ensuring the transfer of IP rights: preparation of relevant agreements – B2B, employment agreement, etc.; employment of foreigners;
    • Services for GAMEDEV companies in relation to their corporate issues;
    • Support in carrying out transfer of technology;
    • Preparation, edition and analysis of investments agreements regarding the video game market, including investments in GAMEDEV companies;
    • Assessment of innovations with regards to applications for additional funding – assessment of current state of the art;
    • Professional representation in court disputes.